
A lightweight command line option parser written in Java


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A lightweight command line option parser written in Java.


Rop is designed to be minimal meanwhile convenient, and to cover most usual command line parsing use cases listed below:

Command Line App Examples Classification / Description
mv and ls simple commands that just do one thing
git add, git commit sub-commands, but single invocation
mvn clean test sub-commands supporting multiple invocations

All these types of command line applications can be built using Rop.

More than that, Rop endorses building command line option parsers the Java way. Instead of following the traditional GetOpt way of building an option parser, Rop follows an approache that is:

You can build an option parser by defining Command classes and their fields annotated with the corresponding Option switches.

Also, each Command can optionally have a run() method to define its behavior, which would be called automatically after parsing.

Getting Started

Rop is available as a Maven artifact com.github.ryenus:rop. Simply add this to the dependencies section in your pom.xml:


You can always get the latest source code from

Usage example

Here's a quick example to demonstrate how to use Rop:

import com.github.ryenus.rop.OptionParser;
import com.github.ryenus.rop.OptionParser.Command;
import com.github.ryenus.rop.OptionParser.Option;

// 1. Here we define the Command class
@Command(name = "foo", descriptions = "A simple command with a few options.")
public class FooCommand {

    @Option(opt = { "-V", "--verbose" }, description = "explain what is being done")
    boolean verbose;

    @Option(opt = { "-n", "--number" }, description = "certain number")
    int n = 3; // default to 3

    void run(OptionParser parser, String[] params) { // either or both args can be omitted
        if (verbose) { // 'verbose' is set to true by the parser
            System.out.println("opt arg: " + n); // => 4
            for (String param : params) {
                System.out.println("param: " + param); // a, b

    public static void main(String[] args) { // assume this is called with 'java TheMain --verbose -n 4 a b'
        // 2. Create the OptionParser instance along with the Command class
        OptionParser parser = new OptionParser(FooCommand.class);

        // 3. Parse the args

        // Here would be called automatically, so you don't have to

In this example, we've basically done 3 things:

  1. define the Command class, with @Command, and @Option annotations
  2. instantiate the OptionParser class along with the Command class
  3. parse the command line args with OptionParser.parse()

This is common to all comand line applications built using Rop, regardless how complex the application is.

For API details, please refer to the javadoc.

Understanding Rop

The most significant thing in Rop is the OptionParser class, with which Commands are registered, then you call its parse() method to parse the command line arguments.

The @Command Annotation

Any vanilla class can be turned to a valid Command with the @Command annotation, regardless it has Options or not.

Hence we call it a Command class here.

The @Option Annotation

In a Command class, those fields having the @Option annotation, are viable to be set from command line argments during parsing. The above example should make this pretty clear.

Command Registration

The OptionParser class provides a register() method to allow a Command, i.e. a class annotated with @Command, or its instance, to be registered with the parser. The register() method is chainable, as it always returns the parser object.

A Command can also be registered by passing it directly to the constructor OptionParser(), so you don't have to explicitly call the register() method. Also, the constructor can be called with any number of Commands.

Post Parsing Hook - Method

A Command can have a little magic. If it has a run() method, the parser would call this method at the end of parsing if the Command appeared in the command line.

In the above example, would be called automatically, it would receive a reference to the parser itself, and an array which consists of all the remaining arguments.

If you're not interested in getting either the parser or the parameters, just omit any of them, or both.

Note that if there're more than one run() methods in a Command class, only the first would be called.

Using Sub-commands

Typical commands, such as mv and ls in Unix, are quite simple, they're designed to do one thing and do it well. It needs just one Command class to build such a simple command line application. However, not everything is simple like this.

Often, your command line application needs to do more than one thing, naturally you'll need more than one Command classes.

The Parent Command

Please note that besides all the sub-commands, as with git add, and git commit, you need a main Command class as the parent.

The parent Command usually becomes a no-action Command, it's often used to handle global options, especially --version, and --help.

Allowing only One Sub-command Being Called

Certain command line applications, for example, Git provides a bunch of sub-commands to do many different things, such as git add, git commit and git log.

By default, Rop only allows one sub-command to be called on the command line, which is the case with Git.

This is done by calling the 1-arg version of OptionParser#parse(), i.e.:


Though Git provides many sub-commands, as with the default parsing behavior, you can only use one sub-command at a time, for example, in git add ... commit ..., the argument 'commit' loses its magic and would be treated as something to be added with git add, not the sub-command git commit.

Allowing Multiple Sub-commands to Be Called Together

But for Ant and Maven, it's a different story. As in mvn clean test, you can run multiple sub-commands together. Can we do that as well? Sure, it's actually very simple:

Rather than calling


instead, call

parser.parse(args, true);

The extra boolean argument, when set to 'true', tells the parser to recognize all the sub-commands it detected. For each properly recognized sub-command, its run() method, if exists, would be called, in the order they appeared on the command line.

Managed Instance Objects of Command Classes

Internally Rop helps manage all the instance objects of registered Command classes, which makes it possible to get the instance object of any registered Command class, e.g.:

parser = new OptionParser(FooCommand.class); // register with class FooCommand

parser.get(FooCommand.class); // this is how to get the instance object for FooCommand class

A typical usage of this is in your Command#run() method:

run(OptionParser parser, String[] params) {
  FooCommand foo = parser.get(FooCommand.class);

This allows your Commands to be loosely decoupled and flexibly reused.

Supported Field Types and Default Values

As in the above example, a default option value can be directly set to its associated field. If not set, the option values default to their type default, as list above, according to Java Tutorial - Primitive Data Types.

Types                   Default Values
boolean                 false
byte                    0
short                   0
int                     0
long                    0L
float                   0.0f
double                  0.0d
char                    '\u0000'
String/Wrapper/Object   null

Built-in Help

If option '--help' is present, the parser will:

  1. display help information constructed from the Commands/Options annotations
  2. call System.exit(0)

Error Handling

Any possible error would be thrown as a RuntimeException, or its subclass, provided with proper error massege. You might want to catch the exception, print the error message and/or the help information before exiting the program. This task is intentionally left to you so that you can control how your program behaves upon parsing errors before terminating.


If you'd like to help improve Rop, clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone

Work your magic and then submit a pull request. We love pull requests!

If you don't have the time to work on Rop, but found something we should know about, please submit an issue.


Rop is released under the MIT License.

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